Open, View and Save PDF Files
- Open existing document or create brand new document
- Display PDF pages in full details with high quality
- Zoom in and zoom out page display
- Save modified PDF document to same file or a new file
- Full quality in the original document retained
- Insert new page or delete old page to document
- Insert new text with embedded or non-embedded font
- Insert lines, filled or non-filled rectangles or ellipses
- Insert images from files of many image format
- Select a single object or a group of objects
- Modify font, color, size and other text properties
- Modify color, width, size and other graph properties
- Modify position, size and other image properties
- Modify color, area, mode and other shading properties
- Move, scale or rotate any text, graph, image and shading objects
- Delete any text, graph, image or shading objects in pages
- See the modified page immediately after the changes
- Undo any editing(insertion, deletion or modification)
- Copy and paste page contents from or to any PDF page, with the same document or between different documents
- Copy and paste text or image information from and to other Windows applications
Key Benefits
- Modifies any contents of any PDF file
- Edits document intuitively, in a what-you-see-is-what-you-get way
- Requires no inside knowledge of PDF file format
- Displays PDF file fast and perfectly
- Presents a simple and neat user interface
- Packs in a small downloadable package
- Occupies small hard disk space after installation
- Supports multi-language PDF content
- Is affordable
What’s New in Version 2.2?
Foxit PDF Editor 2.2 has introduced some new features and enhancements that are listed below:
- Floating Panes
- Finding Text
- Navigating with Bookmarks
- Viewing Annotations
- Rulers and Grids
- Easier Text Setting Actions
- Bug Fixes
Download links, 13.6 Mb: