Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Kolor Autopano Giga 2.6.0 RC1 Portable

Autopano is the only image stitching software to perfectly resolve the color and exposure equation. Joins between adjacent images are flawless, both in color balance and in exposure. Make your shots as you see fit, even in automatic mode: the software will take care to match your images. Even better: you can choose a reference image that will give its color temperature the others, and even adjust the color and exposure correction image by image.

The best image stitching technology in the world
Behind Autopano Giga's simplicity and ease of use lurks a stitching engine based on advanced algorithms. The image stitching technology (SIFT) included in Autopano Giga was developed as part of a research project at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver (Canada). It has been mathematically proven to be the best technology in the world at recognizing similarities between images.

Analysis and automatic classification of a batch of images
Do you have a folder or a memory card full of photos? Launch detection on all images; Autopano Giga groups together only those images that make up panoramas and ignores all irrelevant images. No need to specify the order of images in each view: Autopano Giga will find them by itself. The detection power of Autopano Giga is much better than the human eye, so the software can find relationships that you might have missed visually.

Manual editor of control points
For difficult image stitchings, Autopano Giga previously offered a control points editor to force the software to add links in user-defined areas. Version 2.5 goes further by allowing point-by-point manual addition of links between adjacent images. There is no reason to miss a stitching, however complex.

Stitching together aerial photos or shot from multiple points of view
In a notable innovation, the management of multiple viewpoints allows you to assemble multiple images that were not taken from the same perspective. Aerial photos or pictures taken in parallel or linear mode can now be stitched together. This also allows greater tolerance of photos taken freehand.

RAW Support
Autopano Giga supports over 400 input file formats, including the RAW output from almost all cameras.

Multidirectional detection
The shooting of landscape panoramas may take place along one or more lines, one or more columns, vertically, horizontally, diagonally, macro, telephoto, leaning ... all on a tripod or even freehand.

Support of fisheye lenses
Autopano Giga can assemble images taken with a fisheye lens. You can create 360 x 180° panoramas with a minimum of images.

Neutralhazer® anti-haze filter
Finally get rid of the haze that can ruin some of your landscape panoramas. Autopano Giga 2.5 provides a powerful tool that removes the whiteout of your photos: a function based on the latest scientific image research. Specifically, the software analyzes the images pixel by pixel and shows the color of each pixel according to its depth in the image.

Programmable exposure fusion
Exposure fusion allows the blending of bracketed images, keeping the best colors for each exposure. This increases the color dynamics and creates a balanced panorama, very close to reality. Example: If you photograph a room from inside, the window giving to the outside may appear completely white, completely overexposed, or conversely, the interior may be dark but the exterior will be visible. Exposure fusion of multiple photos allows you to keep both interior and exterior colors, to get a balanced and natural image, closer to what you see with the naked eye. Autopano Giga enables exposure fusion and provides settings for adjusting the fusion and the strength of dark and light tones.

Generating HDR images
Not to be confused with the concept of exposure fusion, the HDR (High Dynamic Range) output also augments the color dynamic range from bracketed images, but in a color space not viewable on standard screens. HDR export is useful for post-treatment in a dedicated software program. Autopano Giga has two HDR export formats: .hdr and .exr. If you only need to maintain the best color for each exposure for display on screen or print, opt for exposure fusion function.

Support of Adobe® Lens Profile calibration parameters
Autopano Giga supports Adobe ® Lens Profile calibration profiles. This allows you to automatically correct distortions, chromatic aberrations and vignetting, depending on your lens model. You can download the calibration profile for your lens with Adobe® Lens Profile downloader, or create your own calibration profile in Adobe® Lens Profile Creator and then import it into Autopano Giga.

Easy straightening of panoramas
Autopano Giga integrates several tools to help you adjust the alignment of your panorama. The most talked about tool is probably the vertical lines tool: draw a line on what should be vertical (monument, tree, pillar...) and realignment is automatic. You can also manipulate the panorama with your mouse to visually adjust the horizon or effect a rotation.

Different projections for different applications
The projection is the manner in which the images of your panorama are stitched together; whether this is on a plane, a sphere or cylinder ... it all depends on the kind of panorama and its contents. If you want to make a 360° panorama, you can choose the cylindrical or spherical projection. If you have a panorama that includes architectural monuments, you might prefer to retain the rectilinear projection, which will preserve their straight lines. Autopano Giga has 4 types of projection and can automatically select the most suitable projection for your panorama.

Automatic crop
Autopano Giga can crop your panoramas automatically, preserving the maximum image surface. You can also manually reframe your panoramas, whether free hand or by applying a ratio (e.g. 3:1). A button also allows you to retain the entire sphere (360° x 180°).

Auto horizon
No more bent or leaning panoramas. Autopano Giga automatically presents you with a horizontally adjusted panorama. You can also adjust it manually as you see fit.

Digital transformation
To adjust the geometry as accurately as possible, use the pitch, yaw and roll tools to shift the view, or rotate to a thousandth of a degree.

Real time modifications
If you enable support for the graphics card you will be able to make any changes in real time. Editing a panorama becomes a real pleasure.

Download links, 20.4 Mb:
Mirror 1
Mirror 2